0x00 Abstract
0x01 使用input()函数
#!/usr/bin/python3 name = input("What's your name ? Please input:") print("Hello " + name + ", nice to meet you!")
#!/usr/bin/python3 name = input("What's your name ? Please input:") print("Hello " + name + ", nice to meet you!") now_age = input("How old are you now? Please input:") later_age = int(now_age) + 5 print("Five years later you will "+ str(later_age) +" years old.")
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./greeter.py What's your name ? Please input:corvin Hello corvin, nice to meet you! How old are you now? Please input:12 Five years later you will 17 years old.
#!/usr/bin/python3 name = input("What's your name ? Please input:") print("Hello " + name + ", nice to meet you!") now_age = input("How old are you now? Please input:") later_age = int(now_age) + 5 print("Five years later you will "+ str(later_age) +" years old.") num = input("Input test num :") print("The odd num is:" + str(later_age%int(num)))
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./greeter.py What's your name ? Please input:corvin Hello corvin, nice to meet you! How old are you now? Please input:23 Five years later you will 28 years old. Input test num :5 The odd num is:3
0x02 while循环
#!/usr/bin/python3 import time now = input("Start counting down now, please input total time:") now = int(now) while now > 0: print("now "+ str(now) + " seconds remaining...") now -= 1 time.sleep(1)
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./while.py Start counting down now, please input total time:5 now 5 seconds remaining... now 4 seconds remaining... now 3 seconds remaining... now 2 seconds remaining... now 1 seconds remaining...
#!/usr/bin/python3 import time now = input("Start counting down now, please input total time:") now = int(now) while now > 0: print("now "+ str(now) + " seconds remaining...") now -= 1 time.sleep(1) prompt = "I will repeat it back to you(enter quit to end):" msg = "" while msg != 'quit': msg = input(prompt) print(msg)
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./while.py Start counting down now, please input total time:3 now 3 seconds remaining... now 2 seconds remaining... now 1 seconds remaining... I will repeat it back to you(enter quit to end):corvin corvin I will repeat it back to you(enter quit to end):tom tom I will repeat it back to you(enter quit to end):jim jim I will repeat it back to you(enter quit to end):hahah hahah I will repeat it back to you(enter quit to end):quit quit corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$
#!/usr/bin/python3 import time now = input("Start counting down now, please input total time:") now = int(now) while now > 0: print("now "+ str(now) + " seconds remaining...") now -= 1 time.sleep(1) prompt = "I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):" active = True while active: msg = input(prompt) if msg == 'quit' or msg == 'exit' or msg == 'bye': active = False else: print(msg)
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./while.py Start counting down now, please input total time:1 now 1 seconds remaining... I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):corvin corvin I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):quit corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./while.py Start counting down now, please input total time:1 now 1 seconds remaining... I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):sdf sdf I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):exit corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./while.py Start counting down now, please input total time:1 now 1 seconds remaining... I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):bye
#!/usr/bin/python3 import time now = input("Start counting down now, please input total time:") now = int(now) while now > 0: print("now "+ str(now) + " seconds remaining...") now -= 1 time.sleep(1) prompt = "I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):" active = True cnt = 0 while active: cnt += 1 if cnt > 5: break; msg = input(prompt) if msg == 'quit' or msg == 'exit' or msg == 'bye': active = False else: print(msg)
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./while.py Start counting down now, please input total time:1 now 1 seconds remaining... I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):a a I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):b b I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):c c I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):d d I will repeat it back to you(enter quit or exit or bye to end):e e corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ cat while_list.py #!/usr/bin/python3 all_sheet = ['apple', 'peach', 'watermelon'] new_sheet = ['banana', 'orange'] while new_sheet: item = new_sheet.pop() print("get new item:" + item.title()) all_sheet.append(item) print("now all sheet items are:") for all_item in all_sheet: print(all_item.title()) corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ chmod +x while_list.py corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./while_list.py get new item:Orange get new item:Banana now all sheet items are: Apple Peach Watermelon Orange Banana
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ cat while_dict.py #!/usr/bin/python3 info_dict = {} flag = True while flag: name = input("What's your name? ") age = input("How old are you ? ") info_dict[name] = age repeat = input("Continue ? (yes or no)") if repeat == 'no': flag = False print("------ ALL INFO ------") for name, age in info_dict.items(): print("name: " +name + " ,age: " +age) corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ chmod +x while_dict.py corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./while_dict.py What's your name? corvin How old are you ? 12 Continue ? (yes or no)yes What's your name? Tom How old are you ? 23 Continue ? (yes or no)yes What's your name? Will How old are you ? 34 Continue ? (yes or no)no ------ ALL INFO ------ name: Tom ,age: 23 name: corvin ,age: 12 name: Will ,age: 34
0x03 if语句
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ cat check_pwd.py #!/usr/bin/python3 msg = "Please input passwd:" err_msg = "Input passwd error, please retry..." ok_msg = "Congratulation, passwd ok" passwd = "CORVIN" pwd = input(msg) if pwd != passwd: print(err_msg) else: print(ok_msg) corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ chmod +x check_pwd.py corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./check_pwd.py Please input passwd:asdf Input passwd error, please retry... corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./check_pwd.py Please input passwd:corvin Input passwd error, please retry... corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./check_pwd.py Please input passwd:CORVIN Congratulation, passwd ok
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ cat if_and_or.py #!/usr/bin/python3 apple_cnt = input("Apple count:") orange_cnt = input("Orange count:") banana_cnt = input("Banana Count:") if int(apple_cnt) > 3 and int(orange_cnt) <=5: print("Apple and Orange !") elif int(orange_cnt) > 3 or int(banana_cnt)<=5: print("Orange or banana !") elif int(banana_cnt) > 8: print("Banana is your favorite!") else: print("Sorry...") corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ chmod +x if_and_or.py corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./if_and_or.py Apple count:4 Orange count:5 Banana Count:6 Apple and Orange ! corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./if_and_or.py Apple count:1 Orange count:2 Banana Count:3 Orange or banana ! corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./if_and_or.py Apple count:1 Orange count:2 Banana Count:9 Banana is your favorite!
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ cat if_list.py #!/usr/bin/python3 fruit_list = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'] fruit = input("What's your favorite fruit?") for item in fruit_list: if fruit == item: print("OK, the list contain your fruit.") print("Check over!") corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ chmod +x if_list.py corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./if_list.py What's your favorite fruit?corvin Check over! corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./if_list.py What's your favorite fruit?orange OK, the list contain your fruit. Check over!
corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ cat if_list.py #!/usr/bin/python3 fruit_list = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'] fruit = input("What's your favorite fruit?") for item in fruit_list: if fruit == item: print("OK, the list contain your fruit.") print("Check over!") name_list = [] name = input("What's your name?") if name_list: for item in name_list: if name == item: print("Find you !") else: print("The name_list size:" + str(len(name_list))) print("Now add your name to name_list") name_list.append(name) print("Now name_list is:") for item in name_list: print(item) corvin@workspace:~/project/python_tutorial/input_while_if$ ./if_list.py What's your favorite fruit?banana OK, the list contain your fruit. Check over! What's your name?corvin The name_list size:0 Now add your name to name_list Now name_list is: corvin
0x04 参考资料
[1].Eric Matthes 著 袁国忠 译. Python编程从入门到实践[M]. 北京:中国工信出版社 人民邮电出版社. 2017. 64-80,100-113
0x05 问题反馈